Wednesday 4 November 2009

290CT Studio 3

This week was another multiple choice quiz.

If a person has an idea for a novel (i.e. nothing other than a set of thoughts in their mind) they can copyright it... False - because you can only patent an idea not copyright it.

Which of these extends copyright to computer programs... The Copyright (Computer Programs) Regulations.

Decompilation is... When a program is taken apart.

If I publish something on the Internet it is not covered by copyright law... True - copyright is seperate from the internet. If you publish something on the internet which is already covered by copyright then it is covered, but if you publish something which is not covered by copyright then it will not be covered on the internet.

Copying programs is allowed when... the copy is a backup.

Hilary Mantel just won the Booker Prize for a novel called 'Wolf Hall'. Imagine she died next year (2010). When would you be free to copy 'Wolf Hall' in the UK... 2080.

If you illegally copy software you are liable for prosecution unless...
(a) You run away
(b) You didn't know the law when you committed the crime
Neither (a) nor (b)

You can decompile software when... it allows you to achieve a permitted objective and when decompilation is in accordance with the law.

A person has written software and published it. They can copyright it... True - because although they have stupidly published it without the protection that copyright gives, they still wrote it and have the right to copyright it as theirs.

Trojans, viruses and back-door programs are against which Act... The Computer Misuse Act.

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